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Time Activity Location
Sunday June 13, 2010
10am-1pm Workshop Morning Sessions Bahen Centre, Rooms 7256, 7180, 8256, 8166
1-2pm Workshop Lunch Bahen 7180
2-5pm Workshop Afternoon Sessions Bahen Centre, Rooms 7256, 7180, 8256, 8166
6-9pm Opening Reception, University of Toronto, Faculty of Information Claude T. Bissell Building, 140 St. George St, Room 728
Monday June 14, 2010
8-8:45am Registration and Breakfast  
8:45am Welcome to Hypertext 2010 (Mark Chignell and Elaine Toms)  
Keynote Opening Keynote Address  
9-10am Invited Talk: As we may have thought, and may (still) think ….
Andrew Dillon, School of Information, University of Texas
Northrop Frye Hall NF003
10-10:30am Morning Coffee Break  
Session 1: Information Searching
10:30am Is This a Good Title? Martin Klein, Jeffery Shipman, and Michael Nelson Northrop Frye Hall NF003
11am Parallel Browsing Behavior on the Web: Jeff Huang and Ryen White Northrop Frye Hall NF003
11:15am A semiotic approach for the generation of themed photo narratives: Charlie Hargood, David Millard,  and Mark Weal Northrop Frye Hall NF003
11:45am The Impact of Bookmarks and Annotations on Refinding Information: Ricardo Kawase, George Papadakis,  Eelco Herder, and Wolfgang Nejdl Northrop Frye Hall NF003
12-1pm LUNCH Dining Hall, Victoria College (lunch available 12-1)
Session 2: Recommenders
1pm Automatic Construction of Travel Itineraries using Social Breadcrumbs:
Munmun De Choudhury, Moran Feldman, Sihem Amer-Yahia, Nadav Golbandi, Ronny Lempel, and Cong Yu
Northrop Frye Hall NF003
1:30pm Speak the Same Language with Your Friends: Augmenting Tag Recommenders with Social Relations: Kaipeng Liu and Binxing Fang Northrop Frye Hall NF003
1:45pm Connecting Users and Items with Weighted Tags for Personalized Item Recommendations: Huizhi Liang, Yue Xu,  Yuefeng Li, and Richi Nayak Northrop Frye Hall NF003
2:15pm Topic-based personalized recommendation for collaborative tagging system: Yanhui Guo and James Joshi Northrop Frye Hall NF003
2:30-3pm Afternoon Coffee Break  
Session 3: Adaptation

Providing resilient Xpaths for external adaptation engines

Northrop Frye Hall NF003
3:30pm The Influence of Adaptation  on Hypertext Structures and Navigation Northrop Frye Hall NF003
3:45pm The next generation Authoring  Adaptive Hypermedia: Using and Evaluating the MOT3.0 and PEAL tools Northrop Frye Hall NF003
4:15pm Provenance Meets Adaptive Hypermedia Northrop Frye Hall NF003
5-6pm Break, 25 minute (approx) walk to Ryerson University  
6-9pm Poster and Demo Reception Ted Rogers School of Management, Cara Commons
Tuesday June 15, 2010
8am-9am Registration and Breakfast  
Session 4: Algorithms and Methods
8:30am Assisting Two-Way Mapping Generation in Hypermedia Workspace: Haowei Hsieh, Katherine Pauls, Amber Jansen, Gautam Nimmagadda, and Frank Shipman Northrop Frye Hall NF003
9am Analysis of Graphs for Digital Preservation Suitability Northrop Frye Hall NF003
9:30am iMapping – A Zooming User  Interface Approach for Personal and Semantic Knowledge Management Northrop Frye Hall NF003
10-10:30am Morning Coffee Break  
Session 5: Networked Communities
10:30am Modularity for Heterogeneous Networks: Tsuyoshi Murata Northrop Frye Hall NF003
11am Link Prediction Applied to an Open Large-Scale Online Social Network: Dan Corlette and Frank Shipman Northrop Frye Hall NF003
11:15am Community-Based Ranking of the Social Web: Said Kashoob, James Caverlee. and Krishna Kamath Northrop Frye Hall NF003
11:45am Social Networks and Interest Similarity: The Case of CiteULike: Danielle H. Lee and Peter Brusilovsky Northrop Frye Hall NF003
12-1pm LUNCH Dining Hall, Victoria College (lunch available 12-1)
1-2pm SIGWEB Business Meeting TBD
Session 6: Tagging
2pm Of Categorizers and Describers:  An Evaluation of Quantitative Measures for Tagging Motivation: Christian Körner, Roman Kern, Hans-Peter Grahsl, and Markus Strohmaier Northrop Frye Hall NF003
2:30pm Of Kings, Traffic Signs and Flowers: Exploring Navigation of Tagged Documents: Jacek Gwizdka Northrop Frye Hall NF003
2:45pm The impact of resource title on tags in collaborative tagging systems: Marek Lipczak and Evangelos Milios Northrop Frye Hall NF003
3:15pm Conversational Tagging in Twitter: Jeff Huang, Katherine Thornton,  Efthimis Efthimiadis Northrop Frye Hall NF003
3:30-4pm Afternoon Coffee Break  
Session 7: Frontiers
4pm A Narrative-Based Alternative  to Tagging: Nuno Tomás, Tiago Guerreiro, Daniel Gonçalves, and Joaquim Jorge Northrop Frye Hall NF003
4:15pm UrbanWeb: a Platform for Mobile Context-aware Social Computing: Frank Allan Hansen and  Kaj Grønbæk Northrop Frye Hall NF003
4:30pm Hyperorders and Transclusion:  Understanding Dimensional Hypertext: James Goulding, Tim Brailsford, and  Helen Ashman Northrop Frye Hall NF003
Panel Effiicent Scaling in Hypertext: The Qualitative-Quantitative Quandary Emmanuel Hall EM001
5-6:30pm Break, 30 minute (approx) by Public Transit to Mariposa Dinner Cruise Dock  
6:30-6:45pm BOARDING Dock
7-11pm Conference Banquet (Dinner Cruise) Mariposa Belle
Wednesday June 16, 2010
8am-9am Registration and Breakfast  
Session 8: ELearning and Navigation
9am Design and Evaluation of a Hypervideo Environment to Support Veterinary Surgery Learning: Claudio AB Tiellet, André Grahl Pereira, Eliseo Berni ategui, José Valdeni Lima, and Teresa Chambel Northrop Frye Hall NF003
9:30am The Value of Adaptive Link  Annotation in E-Learning:  A Study of a Portal-Based Approach. I-Han Hsiao, Peter Brusilovsky, Michael Yudelson, and Alvaro Ortigosa Northrop Frye Hall NF003
9:45am Agents, Bookmarks and Clicks:  A topical model of Web navigation: Mark Meiss, Bruno Goncalves,  Jose Ramasco, Alessandro Flammini, and Filippo Menczer Northrop Frye Hall NF003
Paper (9-9:30am) Criticism: Mark Bernstein Emmanuel Hall EM001
Paper Discussion Discussion on Criticism (Discussants TBD) Emmanuel Hall EM001
10-10:30am Morning Coffee Break  
Session 9: User Models
10:30am Capturing Implicit User Influence in Online Social Sharing: Ching Man Au Yeung and Tomoharu Iwata Northrop Frye Hall NF003
11am Interpretation and Visualization of User History in a Spatial Hypertext System: DoHyoung Kim and Frank Shipman Northrop Frye Hall NF003
11:30am Visit me, click me, be my friend: An analysis of evidence networks of user relationships in BibSonomy: Folke Mitzlaff, Dominik Benz, Gerd Stumme, and Andreas Hotho Northrop Frye Hall NF003
Past Visions of Hypertext and their Influence on us Today Emmanuel Hall EM001
12-1pm LUNCH Dining Hall, Victoria College
Keynote Closing Keynote Address  
1-2pm Invited Talk: Irene Greif, IBM Fellow, Director, Collaborative User Experience, IBM Research. Northrop Frye Hall NF003
2:10-2:30pm Hypertext 2010 Official Photos Lawn



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